Looks at last post's date: January 1, 2009. Yikes.
The culprits:
1) Work. I soon realized that January is the peak time of the year in my new job. (Oh yeah, I'm a regular now). Added that I was doing the work of 2 positions at that time. Well, that era is over. And here I am.
2) Multiply. It is easier for me to update my life using my Multiply account. Let the pictures tell the story. It has its own limitations though.
3) Katamaran. This has various causes and has no definite cure. So it is cured now.
4) Laptop Failure. My 4-year-old Ultraelectromagnetic laptop failed me. It was so darn slow for youtube. Well that's my ex-laptop now. I'm using a new one. :P
No, I did not disappear from cyberspace.
I do have a Facebook account. I'm not a fan of the games though. No, I won't you add in
I wrote movie reviews in my Multiply account.
I uploaded outing pics in my Multiply account.
I'm plurking and twittering.
Yes, I am alive.
I've noted that since 2005, my blog posts per year decreased. And this is only my second post this 2009. Harharhar! I hope my fresh layout will keep me from the Katamaran attack. I am still to add a tagboard and recheck my links.
I'm back. I hope I remember that.
Waaaa! New laptop!
Oh yeah! XD
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