Monday, May 29, 2006


Visited government agencies
Since I have ample time to waste, why not waste it queueing in government agencies? These include the NBI, City Hall, LTO and NSO. During this past week, I dragged myself out of bed to arrive at these agencies at 7am to avoid the long long long queues. A good exercise in preparation for the review school days. Kudos to the National Statistics Office for their speedy service and fixer-free environment. Boos to the National Bureau of Investigation (Quezon City Hall) for their snail-paced service and fixers-tambayan environment. Always bring a book when going to these agencies.

Conquered cross-stitching
After 7 years, I finally finished the 11" X 14" image of Yusuke from YuYu Hakusho. I've been stitching this since third year high school - on and off. Back then, the price of a DMC thread is P7.00; today, its P12.75. Tsktsk. Thanks to Ame for sponsoring the DMC threads. Thanks to Beth for donating the stitch cloth. Now I need a frame. Any donors? Hehehehehe.

Went to Galera!
Yay! Read previous entry.

Spent more time with my instruments

Finally nailed some pieces I've been dying to perfect. And yes, it is really possible to be unable to play a previous piece you've perfected.

Rabbit vs.Cat
My little sister has been bugging my mom for the past months to get a rabbit. My mom says no. Come Mother's Day and my sister bought my mom a rabbit as a gift. The rabbit was a gift FOR my mother. So couldn't exactly say no because it was a gift for her. The rabbit was named Scarlet. But Moshi (the cat) was not exactly happy to have another pet inside the house. He bit Scarlet. Two days later, Scarlet died. No more rabbit in the house.

Wabbit Wabbit.


Sarah said...

one liners, begin.

...bakit kokomo yung title?

awww...wawa naman si scarlet.

and, congrats sa pagtapos ng crossstitch mo...

ang saya ng summer sched mo, a.

gusto ko rin pumunta sa galera... T_T

one-liners, end.

melody maker said...

one liners, begin.

...bakit kokomo yung title?
Hindi yan talaga yung title nung una. May nakagamit na ng dapat ng title. Kokomo dahil isang kanta ng Beachboys tungkol sa isang get-away place.

awww...wawa naman si scarlet.
Rabbit naman si Scarlet ^_^

and, congrats sa pagtapos ng crossstitch mo...

gusto ko rin pumunta sa galera... T_T
Tara! Kapag may ipon na tayong lahat. Bweehehehehe
