Thursday, July 23, 2009


Since I started working, I've been self-educating myself about finances - earning, saving and growing money. I've basically gotten tips online: Blogs like Millionaire Acts and Ready to be Rich. proceeded to read on Pex's forums on Personal Investing and Money Management, and bought myself one of Colayco's books. So after three years of earning and saving (and spending of course), I finally got the time and courage to grow my savings.

For the past month, I spent a considerable amount of time online reading about the stock market and Citiseconline.

I've decided to take a moderate-aggressive risk strategy in growing my savings - time is on myside anyway. Goal is semi-long term in nature anyway. I've decided to take the risk and open an account with Citisec. They do free seminars to educate people regarding the stock market. I attended their half-day seminar last Tuesday and spent three amazing hours being educated on the topics I did study in college. But they make more sense now. A lot of sense. Even if you have no plans of playing the stock market, your time will be well spent. I love it coz it does not sell hard-core to open an account with them - unlike when thinking of getting an insurance.

Will be depositing my initial investment tomorrow. I'm ready to play!


Fitz said...

Wow! Thanks for the mention. I wish you all the best in your financial endeavors! :D

Millionaire Acts said...

Thanks a lot for the mention. :)

melody maker said...

And thanks for your influence!
Cheers and more powers! :)