It is the season of Christmas Carols, midnight sales, empty envelopes and sticker collection. I collected every Starbucks Planner ever since I joined the working force (2007-2010).
I only used the 2007 planner for 3 or 4 months. Then I found it too bulky to carry around.
2007 planner still in use. I didn't use it as a planner. I used it to list all my expenses. Each peso was crucial to an auditor with a measly salary. :P
So I didn't want to throw them away and no one would use an old planner right? So I just used them as a ...scrapbook of sorts.
I pasted Movie Tickets in the pages of the 2007 Planner.
I pasted movie presskits and memorabilia in the 2008 planner.
I need upcoming projects for the Starbucks 2009 and 2010 Planner, the This Journal Will Actually Change Your Life Planner, and the 2008 UP Centennial Planner.
So I'm off to spend and gulp down more calories for the 2011 Planner.
i stopped reading after the words "measly salary". haha, joke.
me, too! i also use my sb planner not as a planner, but as "scratch paper" for my epxenses. lol
Well, I had 2 planners for 2008 and 2 planners for 2009. Sayang silang lahat. Madaling nawala yung pera, yung calories nasa akin pa. :P
Do you still have the 2008 Starbucks planner? Even if it is used I would like to buy it. My email is thanks.
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